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Introduction to Mallard



A list is a block element. It can have a title. It contains a number of item elements. List elements allow for nesting of formal block elements such as paragraphs, notes, and other lists.

Basic lists

Lists can be created with the <list> element. The default list is unordered, with list items marked with bullets or other glyphs. Each item in the list should be enclosed in <item> tags, and the content of each item must be enclosed in <p> tags or other block element tags.

Basic list example


Step lists

The <steps> element will create an ordered list that describes a set of tasks in sequence. Each item in the list should be enclosed in <item> tags, and the content of each item must be enclosed in <p> tags or other block element tags.

Step list example

    <p>Heat milk to boiling in a saucepan.</p>
    <p>Add chopped cauliflower.</p>
    <p>Add peeled and chopped potatoes.</p>
    <p>Cover pan, reduce heat, and simmer for one hour.</p>

Terms lists

Use the <terms> tag to create a list of terms along with the corresponding definition of each term. This is useful when you are trying to create a glossary of related technical terms.

Terms list example

    <p>To heat a liquid until it bubbles and begins to turn to vapor.</p>


Learn more

For more on Mallard lists, see http://projectmallard.org/about/learn/list.

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