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Contributors Guide to BRL-CAD

Contributing Documentation

Writing and updating BRL-CAD's documentation becomes easier when you understand how to obtain and modify the source files for the documentation. 

Note: For more information about creating and modifying documentation, refer to the chapter Working with Our Documentation earlier in this book. 

Obtaining the Documentation

The documentation and the toolchain required to generate the documentation is part of the software's development code. You should download the source code from the Subversion version control system using the following command:

svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/brlcad/code/brlcad/trunk brlcad-code

The directory brlcad-code should be within your /home directory so that BRL-CAD's build directory commands don't interfere with your system's commands.

Obtaining FOP

While BRL-CAD comes with the tools for generating HTML files and UNIX man pages, you will need additional software to generate PDF files. That software is called Apache FOP, and you can download it from the FOP project's website (http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/). The FOP website also has instructions for installing and configuring FOP to run on your system.


Next, you must set up the build directory and configure the compilation. This will also set up the tools that you need to generate the documentation. Do that by running the following command.

cmake ../brlcad_build -DBRLCAD_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

Generate the Documentation 

Once you've configured the compilation, you'll need to run the following build targets to generate the documentation:

  • doc (to generate the HTML version of the documentation and the UNIX man pages)
  • html (to generate the HTML version of the documentation)
  • man (to generate the UNIX man pages)
  • pdf (to generate PDF versions of the documentation. Running this target is optional, and you must have FOP installed on the system on which you're working).

Where to Find the Documentation

You can find the source files for the documentation in the following directories in the BRL-CAD source code repository:

    • Project documentation
    • User documentation in XML format
    • See the file doc/docbook/README for more details

You can find more information about editing the documentation in the chapter Working with Our Documentation earlier in this book.

Remember to:

  • Get in touch with experienced contributors if you have any questions.
  • Compile your changes before committing them. 

Discussing the Documentation

Before undertaking a documentation task, you should join the BRL-CAD developer mailing list (http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/brlcad-devel) and the #brlcad IRC channel irc.freenode.net.   

Joining both lists helps introduce you the the BRL-CAD community and gives you the opportunity to regularly communicate with other experienced contributors. You can also ask questions on the mailing list or the IRC channel.

BRL-CAD contributors have a set of rules that they try to respect and follow to enable collaboration and communication. We strongly encourage new contributors to be creative and to be specific when asking questions on the mailing list or on the IRC channel. We also strongly advise you to use interleaved posting when replying on any communication channels. And once again, don't be afraid to ask questions.

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